Terms and Limitations
Terms and Limitations
This diamond analysis report displays the findings after inspection, testing and grading of the stone in our laboratory using leading methods and aiding instruments. The report does not constitute an appraisal or monetary valuation per market value, trade, insurance or otherwise. Our expert gemologists have carefully conducted the diamond examination to internationally recognized standards. Nonetheless, alternate means of grading, using different tools and methods, by a different grader or laboratory, may yield discrepancies for any one of, but not limited to the above reasons. The characteristics of the diamond described in this report are according to the state of the stone at the time, the knowledge and available means of the grader and available technology. Advances in technology, development of new tools or processes or any change in the stone, such as cut, polish, damage, treatment etc. may change its characteristics and thus affect any future grading analysis. This report is provided at the request of the client and is only valid at the time of grading or while sealed. Details of the report and such the report itself does not provide any third party with rights, including beneficiary rights.
Disclaimer: TIG makes no expressed or implied representation, valuation, appraisal or warranty to the client or any third party with respect to this report. TIG disclaims all warranties and valuations. TIG, including its owners, management, employees, marketing or management partners, whether internal or externally employed, shall not be liable in any form of liability, for any type of damages, including direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive and statutory damages. Nor for any loss, including loss or profits or revenue, brand reputation, good name, direct or in-direct costs, expenses and payments, in connection with any and any issues as a result of this report, using, advertising or transacting with this report, including faults, errors, omissions, breakdowns and malfunctions, or any action, or failure to take action, either by the client or by any third party, in relation to, in consideration or in reliance upon this report. This report should be used by the client as only an indication of quality and authenticity and where available, a recommendation of the estimated retail value. All grading is conducted in good faith and ultimately any sale, trade or purchase made should be based on the client’s and third party’s own assessment of the stone, it’s quality, characteristics and authenticity. TIG and this report are copyright protected and any reproduction of this report will be considered fraudulent and an infringement of our name, trademark, copyrights and good name.